Links & Ideas

Here’s where you'll find:

  • Ideas and resources to help you in your career
  • Links to my syndicated columns published in various newspapers
  • Links to other articles with career tips
  • Comments from you

  • Do you know what others really think of you?
    You might be surprised to find out how others see you–which can be a problem if you want to get ahead. Here’s my article on how to deal with the reality of others’ perceptions, even if you don’t agree with them.
  • How to do creative stuff and have a day job, too
    If you have a day job but want to have a creative endeavor on the side, be sure to see my video podcasts #40 and 41.
  • How to take off work for 6 months or more
    If you’re thinking about taking time off–six months, a year or more–here’s how you do it without freaking out.
  • Is ADHD affecting your career?
    More and more people tell me they have ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and ask, “Are there certain jobs for people like me?” Well… David S wrote: “I personally know two people with ADHD who manage just fine, one of them being a business o
  • Living and getting moldy in the past?
    Are you holding on too tight to the past? It could be keeping you from making a much needed career change. See my article: Are you clinging to the past?
  • What does your father have to do with your career?
    As it turns out, a lot–and I don’t mean just about career choice. Your interpersonal relationships and struggles with power plays, gender issues or self-doubts in your career are directly connected to your relationship with your father. After I wrote this

This is Links, a part of Andrea Kay's website.


Talking about workin’ for a living with WGRR hosts Janeen Coyle and Chris O’Brien.